Баранова, Starlight 8. Учебник. Module 6d

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I had to rearrange a dance lesson because I had a family emergency.
Receptionist: I’m sorry to hear that. What time was your lesson supposed to be? When would you like to rearrange it for? I’m afraid that time isn’t available. Could you make it on Saturday the 11th at 10 am?
Caller: I’m calling to see if I can rearrange my dance lesson.
That’s too bad. – I’m sorry to hear that.
When was the lesson scheduled for? – What time was your lesson supposed to be?
I’m sorry, but that time is booked. – I’m afraid that time isn’t available.
1 I’m so sorry to hear that!
2 Oh no, that’s awful!
3 That’s such a shame!
4 I really hope things get better soon.
5 Oh dear!
A: Good morning, Carleton Dental Surgery.
B: Hello. This is Jane Smith. I’m calling to see if I can rearrange my appointment. I’m stuck in traffic and I can’t get there in time.
A: I’m sorry to hear that. What time was your appointment supposed to be?
B: At 2 o’clock today.
A: OK. When would you like to rearrange it for?
B: How about 4 o’clock this afternoon? I should be able to make it by then.
A: I’m afraid that time isn’t available. Could you make it at 5:30?
B: Erm … yes, that should be fine.
A: Ok. So see you at 5:30.
B: Great. Thank you very much.
A: You’re welcome. Goodbye.
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