Баранова, Starlight 8. Учебник. Module 6f

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Dolphins are mammals. They are intelligent animals and they live in the sea.
Dolphins communicate with whistles, clicks and other sounds including high-frequency sounds.
Scientists want to decode their language to communicate with them and to possibly communicate with extraterrestrials.
1 C thinking … what’s on their minds
2 F attempts to talk … mostly one-way … ask dolphins to respond to human commands
3 D whistles, clicks and other sounds … too high-frequency for humans … sensory world … different sounds
4 A sounds dolphins make … put through computer … patterns, scientists … reply with dolphin-like signals
5 E Scientists … only a matter of time … speak to dolphins … The only question is … what are they going to say to us?
1 familiar
2 coast
3 resolve
4 signals
5 experimenting
6 impact
7 contact
1 Dolphins are common in the sea off the Florida coast.
2 When I swim in the sea, I don’t like to go too far from shore.
3 We can conclude from their behaviour that dolphins are very intelligent.
4 In basic maths we use the plus, minus and equals signs.
5 The police detective is investigating the crime.
6 The student made a good impression on her teacher by studying hard.
7 I usually get in touch with my friends by phone.
trying to: experimenting with
developed: evolved
sort out: resolve
interpret: decode
meetings: encounters
consequence: impact
understand: make out
most recent: latest
imitates: mimics
1 herd
2 swarm
3 shoal
4 flock
5 litter
6 pride
7 pod
8 colony
9 pack
So clever are these aquatic mammals …
… but barely do we ask dolphins …
Not only would it delight marine biologists …
2 Not only has Anna never been diving, but Tom hasn’t either.
3 Should you see Mike today, ask him if he wants to go diving on Saturday.
4 Only if you swim with dolphins, will you realise how amazing they are.
5 Such a tiring day did Greg have (that) he fell asleep on the bus home.
1 sooner had Sam dived
2 no circumstances will we
3 happy was Jo that
4 by testing it will they
I know all the members of the pod of wild spotted dolphins that I am studying because I have shared 27 summers and had over 2,600 encounters with them. I try to communicate, but I also want to know what they are thinking.
Dolphins have the second most evolved brain on the planet and they are highly intelligent and sociable. They live in a complex society and share responsibilities. They can understand two hundred human words through gestures but we can’t understand what they say. Theirs is a sensory world full of different sights, sounds and tastes that we can’t imagine so the only way to communicate effectively is to create a new language. To do this, I’ve come up with CHAT (Cetacean Hearing and Telemetry) which is a device that sends out signals that correspond to something in the undersea world to see if the dolphins mimic the signals. The system will try to learn ‘dolphinese’ through the sounds the dolphins make and try to decode their vocabulary and grammar and then hopefully we can learn to reply with dolphin-like signals ourselves. 1/1/e are only at the trial stage right now but in the future CHAT could be used to communicate with other animal species and even extraterrestrials. If we can understand life on this planet then there is hope for the exploration of the galaxy.
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