Баранова, Starlight 9. Учебник. Module 3f

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Having too much homework and sitting for exams always make me feel stressed.
Having a family member with a medical problem would make me feel stressed.
Someone could cope with stress if they exercised on a daily basis.
1 D (runs to catch the bus, finishes at 4 pm , two hours homework, Spanish classes, music lessons)
2 G (33% of teenagers feel stress on a daily basis, 67% feel stressed out at least once a week, 78% said, etc)
3 F (can be caused by, can affect, body produces hormones)
4 C (adverse effect, feeling tired and weakened, cause health problems such as acne, high blood pressure, depression)
5 E (heart increases blood flow and pumps more oxygen around, reducing levels of cortisol, releasing adrenaline and endorphins.)
6 H (Just ten minutes of moderate exercise is enough to improve your mood, 30 minutes a day, gain all the benefits of)
concentrate = focus,
main source = origin/cause,
widespread = common,
prevent = stop,
attempting = try,
alert = awake,
adverse = unfavourable,
minimise = reduce,
moderate = reasonable amount,
contributes = cause in part,
coping = manage,
slouching = sit in a lazy way
1 improve
2 basis
3 coping
4 weakened
5 moderate
6 concentrate
7 contributes
8 lessen
1 tough
2 aerobic
3 main
4 stress
5 adverse
6 health
7 heart
8 nervous
1 When placed in a tough situation, we often feel stressed out.
2 The best way to reduce stress is through aerobic exercise.
3 Body image is the main source of teenage anxiety.
4 Regular exercise helps to minimise stress levels.
5 Too much stress can have an adverse effect on the body.
6 Acne is a common health problem caused by stress.
7 An increased heart rate is a sign of stress.
8 Stressful situations trigger the body’s nervous system.
2 Why don’t we go for a walk and get some fresh air?
3 Exercise is supposed to reduce stress.
4 You are to be at the doctor’s at 2 o’clock.
5 Hospitals are bound to become more high-tech in the future.
6 Gary had better do more exercise if he wants to lose weight.
What I already know:
• school is stressful for teenagers
• a little stress is good for you
• exercise reduces stress
• hormones released during exercise make us feel good
What I learnt:
• stress hormones speed up the metabolism
• high stress can lead to depression
• 30 minutes exercise a day gives benefits
I think studying and exams are causes of stress for people ту age. I also think peer pressure to fit in is a large cause of stress for teenagers. For older people, different things such as jobs and paying bills are the main causes of stress for them. I think a good way to deal with stress is talking to your friends and family about your problems and exercising regularly.
One of the most important ways to keep stress low is to know what causes your stress and be prepared when faced with it. Learn to say ‘no’ to others who are pressuring you or causing you stress. Also, try to talk to someone who listens. Going for a walk in natural surroundings or listening to uplifting music can help stimulate your senses and reduce the feeling of stress. Another good idea to reduce stress is to do your favourite hobby or sport as a way to escape from whatever is stressing you out and relax.
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