Баранова, Starlight 9. Учебник. Module 4. Language in Use

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1 paid off
2 called off
3 put off
4 showing off
5 dropped off
6 take off
1 in
2 for
3 in
4 at
5 with
6 on
7 of
1 bare
2 freezing
3 regional
4 natural
5 to defy
6 to serve
7 reluctantly
8 consumer
1 demanding
2 fitness
3 inspiration
4 marvellous
5 comedian
6 unexpected
1 matches 2 goes with 3 suit 4 fit
1 T
2 F (not stated in text)
3 F (Japan)
4 F (the summer solstice)
5 F (19 was the debut album, 21 is the second album)
6 F (photographic artist)
7 F (Nevada)
8 T
1 The Fairbanks Ice Festival is in Canada. (F – Alaska)
2 The Quebec Winter Carnival lasts for 10 days. (T)
3 Chun Mee Sing is a fire-eater. (F – She is a trapeze artist.)
4 Royal Ascot takes place every August. (F – every June)
5 Kaid Ashton works in Manila. (F – He works all over the world.)
6 Black Rock City is a permanent settlement. (F – It is temporary.)
7 The Burning Man Festival started in 1986. (T)
8 Alexander McQueen was the first person to use holography in a fashion show. (T)
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