Баранова, Starlight 9. Учебник. Module 4h

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I think holography can be used to make videos appear in 3D. That means that TV and Internet images could appear in the middle of our living rooms instead of being flat images on screens. For music, holography could mean performances being projected without artists actually being present at concert venues. Finally, in fashion, holography could be used to make models and costumes appear on catwalks or in advertising as 3D images.
1 3D images appear on flat screens, whereas holographic images are projected to appear as real objects
2 the US Presidential Election in 2008 by CNN
3 users could touch a holographic screen and there would be no need for a mouse or a keyboard
4 the band members were actually animated characters
5 has been at the top of the music charts and tickets for her tours have sold out
6 the fashion designer, Alexander McQueen
1 advanced
2 flat
3 news
4 sell-out
5 top
6 fashion
brief look = glimpse
not possible = out of the question
had an effect on = left its mark on
do the same = follow
I found it interesting that a holographic pop star could perform a sell-out tour. It’s also interesting to learn that holographic images can be used on catwalks instead of real-life models. Finally, I found it interesting that the Internet could one day be controlled using a holographic screen instead of a mouse or a keyboard.
Holography will change our lives in the future because firstly, it will be used for all types of entertainment. Films, music concerts and computer games will all be able to appear in our living rooms, gardens or anywhere we can imagine. Holographic technology will also become interactive. This means that we will be able to change the holographic environment. This way we will be able to operate machines, use the Internet and even meet our friends without anyone leaving their house.
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