ГДЗ Решебник Барашкова к учебнику Верещагиной, 5 класс по английскому языку. Lesson 11. Упражнение 107

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Ask a question about the information underlined in each of the following sentences using Who or What.
Somebody brought this toy to the kitchen. Who brought the toy to the kitchen?
Linda brought something interesting. What did Linda bring?
Somebody was cleaning the floor. Who was cleaning the floor?
Sveta was cleaning something. What was Sveta cleaning?
Somebody has cooked porridge for us. Who has cooked porridge for us?
Granny has cooked something nice. What has Granny, cooked?
Somebody found the tickets yesterday. Who found the tickets yesterday?
Anton found something yesterday. What did Anton find yesterday?
Something has helped him. What has helped him?
Tom helped somebody. Who did Tom help?
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