ГДЗ Решебник Барашкова к учебнику Верещагиной, 5 класс по английскому языку. Lesson 13. Упражнение 126

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Change the sentences to indirect speech.
“Why are they late?” The teacher wonders why they are late.
“When is she busy?” Tom wonders when she is busy.
“Where is he from?” Bill wonders where he is from.
“When were they in France?” The officer asks when they were in France.
“How many chairs are there in the room?” The teacher asks how many chairs there are in the room.
“How old is he?” Nelly wonders how old he is.
“How old are you?” They ask how old I am.
“Where are you from?” They ask where I am from.
“When were you ill?” She asks when I was ill.
“Why are you crying?” He asks why I am crying.
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