ГДЗ Решебник Барашкова к учебнику Верещагиной, 5 класс по английскому языку. Lesson 5. Упражнение 46

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Write what they have just decided to do. Use the Future Indefinite.
I’m hungry. – OK. I shall cook porridge for you.
I haven’t eaten anything since morning. – OK. I shall make a sandwich for you.
We haven’t got any vegetables. – OK. I shall buy some potatoes and tomatoes.
Bob doesn’t understand this exercise. – OK. I shall explain it to him.
Nick has a headache. – I shall call the doctor.
Tim wants to come to the party. – OK. We shall invite him.
He wants to see you. – OK. I shall visit him today.
Mother is busy today. – OK. I shall do the shopping myself.
I can’t find my exercise-book. Can you help rue? – OK. I shall look for it.
He is angry when somebody is late. – OK. I shall get up at six o’clock.
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