ГДЗ Решебник Барашкова к учебнику Верещагиной, 5 класс по английскому языку. Lesson 7. Упражнение 65

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Write sentences as in the example.
While the boys were swimming, the girls were playing volleyball.
While Tom was buying vegetables, Kate was making coffee.
While the children were making their beds, their mother was washing up.
While Kate was cleaning the carpet. Pete was washing the window.
While Mrs. Brown was doing the shopping, her husband was skiing.
While Mrs. Wilson was reading, her grandchildren were drawing.
While the boys were building a tower, their sister was running.
While they were haying, lunch, we were making sandwiches.
While I was watching TV, he was sleeping.
While she was playing the piano, they were decorating the Christmas tree.
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