Биболетова 3-4 класс – Учебник – Unit 6 – Being Happy in the Country and in the City – Section 4 – Promise Little, but Do Much

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The old man is little and fat. It lives in the cottage in the wood. He is nice. He has small eyes, a beard and a hat on the head. He is not strong but he is brave. He is not timid and ugly. The old man is curious and merry. I think the old man is very kind. He helps the hare.
Cows give us milk. Bees give us honey. Hens give us eggs. Cows give us milk for butter. Cows give us milk for ice-cream. Goats give us wool (шерсть) for sweaters. Camels give us wool for coats. Goats give us milk. Goats give us milk for cheese. Sheep give us wool for socks and mittens. Ducks give us eggs. Cows give us milk for cheese. Cows, hens and ducks give us meat.
a) People make house for birds. People feed hens. People grow com for cows and horses. People wash horses. People look after (присматривают) sheep.
b) Horses carry people and things. Cows give milk and feed people. Hens give people eggs. Dogs and horses help people. Children enjoy playing with cats and dogs.
I think the most useful animal for people is a cow. Cows give us milk. People like to drink milk. It is very useful for little children. Cows give us milk for butter, ice-cream and cheese. Cows give us meat. Cows live on the farm. I think cows are very clever.
I think the most useful animal for people is a horse. Horses carry people and things. They help people to work in the field. Horses live on the farm. People give horses corn. Horses give people meat. I think horses are very nice and strong. They like to run very much.
I would like to have a duck. This bird is neither big nor small. Ducks like com and grass. Ducks are brown, black and white. A duck can give us eggs and meat. A duck is kind and nice. A duck can fly and swim. Ducks live on the farm.
1) A cockerel – it is a bird.
2) A penguin – it is a bird.
3) A duck – it is a bird.
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