Биболетова – 3 класс – 2011 – Unit 4 – Telling stories and writing letters to your friends – Lesson 59

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Разыграй с одноклассником разговор с роботом, который ищет инопланетянина в бюро находок.
– Can you help me to find my friend?
– What is his name?
– His name is Ufo.
– How old is he?
– He is ten.
– How does he look like?
– He is nice and green.
– Is his nose long?
– Yes, it is. And he has six eyes.
Посмотри, как инопланетянин Юфо проводит свои дни на Земле. Прочитай предложения. Исправь неверные.
Ufo doesn’t ride a bike on Thursdays. He writes letters on Thursdays.
Ufo doesn’t roller skate on Fridays. He plays football on Fridays.
He doesn’t write letters on Saturdays. He roller skates on Saturdays.
Юфо не нравится, как он сегодня выглядит. Успокой его – исправь его утверждения.
1) I have small ears. – No, you don’t have small ears. You have big ears.
2) I have a long nose. – No, you don’t have a long nose. You have a short nose.
3) I have an angry face. – No, you don’t have an angry face. You have a kind face.
4) I have yellow teeth. – No, you don’t have yellow teeth. You have white teeth.
5) I have small hands and feet. – No, you don’t have small hands and feet. You have big hands and feet.
Мама рассказывает Юфо no телефону о его младшем брате Юко. Но из-за плохой связи Юфо все время приходится переспрашивать. Восстанови его вопросы.
Where does he run in the morning?
What does he has at 4.45 am?
When does he come home?
What does he do?
When does he have tea?
When does he go to bed?

Рабочая тетрадь

Прочитай и раскрась.
Это Боб. Ему девять. Его волосы русые. У него маленький нос. Его глаза зеленые. У него красный рот. Его рубашка зеленая с желтым. Его кепка синяя с черным.
Слоненок Томас все перепутал. Исправь его.
1) No, you don’t have lunch at 2 am. You have lunch at 2 pm.
2) No, you don’t have long hair. You have short hair.
3) No, you don’t have pink eyes. You have blue eyes.
4) No, you don’t have small ears. You have big ears.
Составь и запиши вопросы по образцу.
1) Do they have funny toys?
2) Does she have a big dog?
3) Does he have a nice bird?
4) Do the boys have scooters?
5) Do you have roller skates?
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