Биболетова Enjoy English – 5-6 класс – Часть 1 – Домашняя работа

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В каждой строчке найди слово, которое читается иначе.
a) break;
b) French;
с) London;
d) heart.
Найди лишнее слово.
a) Britain;
b) paint;
с) Christmas.
Выбери свои любимые предметы. Напиши: а) почему они тебе нравятся; b) что вы делаете на уроках.
а) I like English because I would like to speak English well. Our teacher like her pupils and they love her very much;
b) At English lessons we read stories, act out the dialogues, learn poems by heart and sing English songs.
Вставь speak, tell, say. Используй подходящее время.
1) “Speak louder, please,” the teacher says.
2) He said to me: “Be serious! Don’t laugh at me!”
3) The King said: “How could I get rid of the mice?”
4) The students in the sixth form speak good French.
5) Her mother told us the bad news.
6) Helen tells / told her children not to open the front door.
Выбери прилагательные из упражнение 22. Выпиши их, как в примере.
Dear — dearer — (the) dearest;
happy — happier — (the) happiest;
new — newer — (the) newest;
bright — brighter — (the) brightest;
great — greater — (the) greatest;
near — nearer — (the) nearest;
good — better — (the) best.
Дополни следующие предложения, поставив прилагательные в скобках в сравнительную или превосходную степень.
1) Maths is more difficult than Science.
2) This pupil is the brightest in the school.
3) This year I have more subjects in my timetable than I had last year.
4) He has the funniest nickname.
5) Our English Language teacher is better than their English Language teacher.
6) I think Literature and History are the most interesting subjects.
Составь слова, как в примере.
1) The letter of her friend — her friend’s letter;
2) the nickname of my sister — my sister’s nickname;
3) the photos of the teachers — the teachers’ photos;
4) the sharpener of his brother — his brother’s sharpener;
5) the felt-tip pens of their sons — their sons’ felt-tip pens;
6) the cartridges of the children — the children’s cartridges;
7) the computer of my parents — my parents’ computer.
Заполни пропуски.
School — schools;
dress — dresses;
man — men;
mouse — mice;
wolf — wolves;
tooth — teeth;
hobby — hobbies;
woman — women;
nickname nicknames;
child — children;
shelf — shelves;
city — cities;
potato — potatoes.
Заполни пропуски, где необходимо, с помощью одного из предлогов: of, by, at, from,
about, on, into.
1) There are a lot of textbooks on the table.
2) Little children like to learn funny poems by heart.
3) At the lesson we translate from Russian into German.
4) Students answer the teacher’s questions at the lessons.
5) “Of course she is from Britain,” Kate said.
6) Pavel told us about his summer holidays.
Заполни пропуски.
Sergei: Hi! Nice to meet you!
Olga: Hi! Nice to meet you, too. Why do you look so sad? What’s wrong?
Sergei: Today is the first of September but I am ill.
Olga: Oh, I’m glad to be at school again because I missed my friends and teachers in summer.
Sergei: Me, too. But I must go to the doctor today.
Olga: Don’t think about difficulties! Think about pleasant things!
Напиши антонимы.
Woman — man; lazy — hard-working; to ask — to answer; boy — girl; bad — good; to take — to give; little — big; she — he; much — little; to hate — to like; beautiful — ugly; above — under; bright — silly; dull — interesting; black — white; in front of — behind; to forget — to remember; to cry — to laugh; different — similar.
Задай Wh-вопросы к выделенным словам в следующих предложениях.
1) There are two new pupils in our form. — How many new pupils are there in our form?
2) There’ll be 20 British girls and boys in Barbara’s class this year. — How many British girls and boys will be in Barbara’s class this year?
3) Elizabeth likes her new textbooks. — What does Elizabeth like?
4) The girls are from Britain. — Where are the girls from?
5) Mark invited me to England last year. — When did Mark invite me to England?
6) We were happy to get good marks in French because it’s a difficult subject.— Why were we happy to get good marks in French?
Переведи с русского на английский.
Проводить много времени — to spend a lot of time;
проводить каникулы — to spend holidays;
проводить выходные дни — to spend the weekends;
останавливаться (где-то) — to stay at;
фотографировать — to take pictures;
скучать по семье — to miss the family;
пропускать уроки — to miss lessons;
ездить за границу — to go abroad.
Ответь на вопросы. Запиши ответы.
1) Where are you from? — I am from Saratov.
2) How old are you? — I am eleven.
3) Are you in the fifth form? — Yes, I am. I am in the fifth form.
4) How many subjects do you study at school? — I study 12 subjects at school.
5) How many boys and how many girls are there in your class? — There are eleven boys and ten girls in our class.
6) When does your first lesson start? — My first lesson starts at 8 a.m.
1) When do you usually get home after school? — I get home at 2 p.m.
2) Are you tired after six lessons? — Yes, I am. I am tired after six lessons.
3) Do you relax at home? How do you relax? — Yes, I do. I play computer games and go for a walk.
4) At what time do you finish your homework? — I finish my homework at 8 p.m.
5) Does anybody help you to do your homework? — My father does.
6) Did your parents visit your school last year? — Yes, they did. My parents visited my school last year.
7) Do you help your mum about the house? — Yes, I do. I help my mum about the house.
8) When do you usually go to bed? — I usually go to bed at ten o’clock.
Выполни упр.36 на странице 17 в письменной форме.
I went to the country to visit my Granny.
My parents bought me a computer.
Our family went to the Black Sea.
I spent three days in Moscow.
I read five books of fairy-tales.
Напиши письмо одному из английских учеников. Расскажи ему / ей о своих летних каникулах.
Dear Paul,
Thank you for your letter. I hope you had interesting holidays last month.
What can I tell you about my holidays? This summer I visited my Granny. She lives in the country. The weather was fine and sunny. I spent a lot of time outdoors. I swam and dive in the river and rode bike. I went to the forest and enjoyed picking berries and gathering mushrooms.
I also spent three weeks in the camp. I liked our evenings there. We usually made a fire, played the guitar and sang songs.
With best wishes from me and my family.
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