Биболетова Enjoy English – 5-6 класс – Часть 2 – Домашняя работа

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Впиши пропущенные буквы.
Invitation, idea, stay, children, local, responsible, propose, programme, partner, comedy, education.
Составь слова. Запиши их.
Arrange; propose; social; local; theatre; miss.
Заполни пропуски подходящими словами, если необходимо.
1) I would like to invite my British pen friend to Moscow.
2) I propose that he comes for 15 days in May.
3) I’ll be responsible for the educational and social programmes.
4) He’ll stay with my family.
5) I hope he won’t miss his family during his stay in Moscow.
Переведи выражения с русского на английский.
Директор местной государственной школы — Head Teacher of a Local State School;
большая группа студентов — the large group of students;
отвечать за культурную и образовательную программы — to be responsible for the educational and social programmes;
письмо с приглашением погостить в британских семьях — an invitation letter to stay with the British families.
Дополни предложения. Добавь разделительные окончания.
1) They will arrange the date and time of our meeting, won’t they?
2) Her pen friend studies at a Local State School in London, doesn’t she?
3) Our parents don’t play sports, do they?
4) My sister can speak and read German well, can’t she?
5) Their Head Teacher didn’t get the invitation, did he?
6) Linda’s friends were responsible for the music, weren’t they?
7) We couldn’t go to the theatre together, could we?
Выбери, что родители собираются подарить своим детям на Рождество. Запиши полные предложения.
Stephen’s parents are going to give him some interesting books.
Kevin’s parents are going to give him a watch.
Melissa’s parents are going to give her some sweets.
Susan’s parents are going to give her a new guitar.
Julie’s parents are going to give her new boots.
Thomas’s parents are going to give him a racket.
Jennifer’s parents are going to give her a dog.
Alice’s parents are going to give her a rucksack.
Catherine’s parents are going to give her a green blouse.
Paul’s parents are going to give him a football.
Что Джейн собирается делать на следующей неделе? Запиши.
On Monday Jane is going to visit her dentist.
On Tuesday Jane is going to visit her sick friend.
On Wednesday Jane is going to have her hair cut.
On Thursday Jane is going to write invitations for her birthday party.
On Friday Jane is going to clean her flat.
On Saturday Jane is going to arrange flowers in her room.
On Sunday Jane is going to arrange her birthday party.
Сделай упражнение 21 на странице 32 в письменной форме.
Mary Poppins and her friends saw some wooden horses in the trees. It was so beautiful. Mary Poppins liked the horses very much and decided to ride one of them.
Дополни диалог.
Dad: Listen, boys. Do you remember it is your mother’s birthday tomorrow? We could arrange a party for her, couldn’t we?
Jack: Oh, yes, we could do it!
Bob: Not a bad idea! Let’s think about it right now.
Jack: I know! I’ll be responsible for the music.
Dad: I’m going to clean the flat. And you, Bob?
Bob: I’ll be responsible for the present. I think Jack will make a birthday cake.
Jack: Am I? Why me? I think we should make a birthday cake together, shouldn’t we?
Dad: OK.
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