Биболетова Enjoy English – 5-6 класс – Часть 7 – Учебник

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Объедини слова и описания.
a) Nephew — 5) sister’s or brother’s son;
b) niece — 6) sister’s or brother’s daughter;
c) aunt — 4) mother’s or father’s sister;
d) uncle — 3) mother’s or father’s brother;
e) parents — 2) mother and father;
f) cousin — 1) uncle’s or aunt’s daughter / son.
Прослушай и прочитай письмо Дианы. Ответь на вопросы.
1) How many relatives are going to stay with Diana’s family? — Four relatives are going to stay with Diana’s family: Diana’s elder sister, her husband, their son and their daughter.
2) How old is Diana’s nephew? — Diana’s nephew is about six months old.
3) What is Diana going to do next week? — She will be very busy cleaning her room and shopping for Christmas presents.
Прочитай и переведи предложения. Отметь, какие глаголы одинаковы в Past Simple и Participle II.
1) Nancy has cleaned her room today, and it looks very nice. — Нэнси сегодня прибиралась в комнате, и комната выглядит очень чистой.
2) We have played this piece of music many times, so we know it very well now. — Мы сыграли этот музыкальный отрывок много раз, поэтому сейчас очень хорошо его знаем.
3) You have opened the window, and it is very cold in the classroom now. — Вы открыли окно, и сейчас в классе очень холодно.
4) Jack has lost his textbook, and he cannot do his homework now. — Джек потерял свой учебник, и сейчас он не может выполнить домашнее задание.
5) The school has bought new books, and the teacher will give them to us now. — Школа закупила новые учебники, и сейчас учитель их нам выдает.
6) I have forgotten Sophia’s telephone number, so I cannot call her. — Я забыла номер телефона Софии, поэтому не могу ей позвонить.
7) You have written your compositions, so you may go home now. — Вы написали сочинение, поэтому можете сейчас идти домой.
Some verbs are regular and they have the same form in Past Simple и Participle II. Some of them are: clean, play, open. And some verbs are irregular and they have the different forms in Past Simple и Participle II. Some of them are: lose, buy, forget, write.
Дай на эти вопросы краткие ответы.
1) Have you done all your homework for today? — Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
2) Have you brought your English textbook to school with you today? — Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
3) Have you got your sports kit with you? — Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
4) Has your partner finished writing down his / her homework? — Yes, he / she has. No, he / she has not.
5) Has your teacher given you any marks today? — Yes, he has. / No, he has not.
6) Have you answered all the questions correctly? Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
7) Has your partner finished asking questions? — Yes, he has. / No, he has not.
Составь вопросы, используя предложенные слова. Ответь на них.
1) Have you joined the society already? — Yes, I have.
2) Have your nephews been at school today? — Yes, they have.
3) Have his parents taken part in the project yet? — No, they haven’t.
4) Have your friends arranged the picnic yet? — Yes, they have.
5) Has her cousin given an interview recently? — No, she has not.
6) Has businessman written the cheque just? — Yes, he has.
Поставь глаголы в скобках в правильное время (Past Simple или Present Perfect).
1) They went to the theatre last week.
2) My cousin has been to the theatre three times this week.
3) His niece has just written the invitation letters.
4) Helen came home, had a short rest, and then began to help her mother.
5) Did your relatives take part in the demonstration yesterday?
6) Have your parents told you about the project today?
Ты заботишься о родителях? Назови пять хороших вещей, которые ты сделал(а) для них в последнее время.
I have made my mother’s bed.
I have helped my mother about the house.
I have helped my father about the garden.
I have watered the flowers.
I have cleaned the flat.
I have bought bread and milk in the shop.
Расскажи своим одноклассникам, что ты делал(а) и чего не делал(а) в различные дни на прошлой неделе.
I visited my friends on Monday.
I bought a present for my little sister on Tuesday.
I bought some books on Wednesday.
I invited my relatives to the party on Thursday.
I went to the school party on Friday.
I cleaned my room on Saturday.
I helped my mum about the house on Sunday.
I didn’t water the flowers on Monday.
I didn’t make my bed on Tuesday.
I didn’t sweep the floor on Wednesday.
I didn’t walk with my dog on Thursday.
I didn’t make sandwiches on Friday.
I didn’t go for a walk on Saturday.
I didn’t watch TV on Sunday.
Произнеси следующие выражения иначе.
1) The tickets are expensive. — How expensive the tickets are!
2) I’m hungry. — How hungry I am!
3) Chip and Dale are clever. — How clever the boys are!
4) It’s a lovely park. — What a lovely park it is!
5) They are good textbooks. — What good textbooks they are!
6) He’s a polite young man. — What a polite young man he is!
Ответь на вопросы.
1) What do the words “the British have a sweet tooth” mean? —That means they like eating different sweet things.
2) What kinds of sweet things do you know of? — I know of puddings and pies, jams, biscuits and buns, cakes and rolls, different kinds of candies.
3) What sweet things do you like? — I like chocolate and ice-cream most of all.
4) When do the British eat cakes, biscuits etc.? — They eat cakes, biscuits etc. any time.
5) Are sweet things good for children’s health? Why? — Sweet things are not good for children’s health because they are not useful. They are bad for children’s teeth.
Вставь: home или house.
1) Is your house light or dark?
2) Colchester is my home town.
3) Last year I stayed in Britain too long and I missed home very much.
4) Where is your house? — It’s in Park Street.
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