Биболетова 6 класс, 2014 – Модуль 2 – Рабочая тетрадь

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Разделы 1-2
а) Соедини слова.
1. watch wildlife
2. fall asleep
3. join a club
4. go on rides
5. play board games
6. save the animals
б) Закончи предложения этими словосочетаниями.
1. … and play board games.
2. … go on rides…
3. join a club…
4. … watch wildlife.
5. … fall asleep…
Закончи текст.
1. over
2. insects
3. endangered
4. watch
5. world
6. various
Задай вопросы к следующим ответам.
1. When does the Zoo open?
2. Where did the children play?
3. What will the visitors see next summer?
4. Why did Jim take pictures of the swans?
5. How many creatures are there in the Zoo?
Закончи предложения. Обведи правильную букву.
1. с
2. а
3. b
4. с
5. a
6. b
7. с
8. b
Закончи предложения. Подчеркни правильный вариант.
1. will have to
2. don’t have to
3. won’t have to
4. have to
5. has to
6. won’t have
Разделы 3-4
Закончи предложения. Вставь some / any, much / many.
1. many
2. any
3. some
4. much
5. any; some
6. some
Закончи текст.
1. world
2. recipes
3. cook
4. makes
5. delicious
6. success
7. dishes
Закончи предложения. Обведи правильную букву.
1. b
2. on
3. а
4. с
5. b
6. b
7. с
Закончи письмо. Поставь глаголы в нужную форму.
1. made
2. has
3. plays
4. are
5. have joined
6. will put on
7. didn’t take part
8. were
Задай вопросы к следующим ответам.
1. Where do they have lunch?
2. When did the students go camping?
3. What is Mr Smith explaining?
4. Why are the students so happy?
5. What club have the friends joined?
6. Who has never been to the wildlife park?
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