Биболетова 6 класс, 2014 – Модуль 2 – Раздел 4 – Рабочая тетрадь

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а) Допиши слова. Подбери к ним определения.
1. Mathematics — с
2. Science — а
3. History — d
4. French — f
5. Geography — b
6. Art — e
а) Составь словосочетания и запиши их.
1. join a school club
2. wear a school uniform
3. learn a foreign language
4. do a project
5. use a dictionary
6. follow school rules
б) Закончи предложения с помощью данных словосочетаний.
1. use a dictionary
2. join any club
3. wear school uniform
4. do a project
5. follow school rules
Составь слова. Придумай словосочетания с этими словами.
а) Careful, powerful, successful, wonderful, colourful, peaceful, beautiful, useful.
Peaceful countryside, careful mother, powerful earthquake, successful project, wonderful view, beautiful woman, useful tools.
б) Description, exploration, preparation, education, exhibition, communication, protection, celebration.
An art exhibition, detailed description, scientific exploration, careful preparation, higher education, intercultural communication, environment protection, Christmas celebration.
Закончи предложения. Обведи правильную букву.
1. b
2. с
3. a
4. c
5. a
6. a
7. b
8. а
9. с
10. b
Закончи предложения.
1. with
2. on
3. of
4. at
5. for
6. of
Закончи текст: употребляй слова в нужной форме.
1. first
2. interesting
3. children
4. took
5. were
6. don’t like
7. has
8. are going
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