Биболетова 6 класс, 2014 – Модуль 3 – Раздел 2 – Учебник

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Прочитай диалог и закончи его.
1. people
2. traditions
3. tennis
4. history
5. tomorrow
Прочитай разговор снова и скажи, верны ли следующие утверждения.
1. true
2. true
3. false
4. true
5. false
6. true
Используй текст из упр. 29 и ответь на вопросы.
1. The UK consists of 4 countries: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
2. The capitals are London, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast.
3. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
4. The name “United Kingdom” was first used in 1707.
5. Usually people call it the UK or the United Kingdom.
6. Great Britain is the largest island.
7. The British call their flag “Union Jack”.
8. Great Britain includes England, Scotland and Wales.
9. English is the official language of the whole country.
Посмотри на фотографии и скажи, какие из них связаны с Объединенным Королевством.
Tower Bridge
Buckingham Palace
Double-decker bus
Big Ben
Ответь на вопросы.
1. The popular words about the UK are: the Royal Family, a foggy island, old castles, red buses, football and tea.
2. The climate is rather cool, it often rains and the weather is very changeable.
3. British people love their gardens and green parks.
4. Britain is smaller than France.
5. People in Scotland have a very strong accent.
Найди эти фразы в тексте, дай их русские эквиваленты.
1. туманный остров
2. старые замки
3. особая политическая система
4. богатая культура
5. изменчивый климат
6. международная коммуникация
7. собственный язык
Переведи эти фразы и используй в собственных предложениях.
1. Не had a big trouble repairing his car.
2. Don’t start this business, you will have trouble with it.
3. If I had free time, I would study Italian and French.
4. Moscow is rich in museums.
5. My native town is very rich in parks.
6. India is rich in its culture.
Закончи предложения.
1. England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland;
2. … are: London, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast;
3. … is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland;
4. … England, Scotland and Wales;
5. … rather cool, it often rains and the weather is very changeable;
6. … is English.
Соедини флаги с названиями стран.
1. с
2. d
3. а
4. b
5. е
Соедини флаги и части Британии.
1. England — rose
2. Scotland — thistle
3. Wales — daffodil
4. Ireland — clover
Прочитай информацию с вебсайта IEC. Скажи, почему Красного Дракона нет на флаге Британии?
The Red Dragon isn’t on the Union Jack because England and Wales were united earlier than the Union Jack was created.
Выбери правильный ответ. Используй the, где потребуется.
1. Great Britain
2. Africa
3. the Russian Federation
4. Edinburgh
5. Cardiff
6. the United Kingdom
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