Биболетова 6 класс, 2014 – Модуль 4 – Раздел 2 – Учебник

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Прочитай и выбери правильное определение слова.
An explorer — a person who travels to unknown places in order to find out new information about them.
Прочитай текст и скажи, сколько кругосветных путешествий совершил Кук.
Не took two trips around the world.
Назови самые важные факты из биографии Кука.
1728 — he was born
1757 — joined one of the King’s ship as a captain’s assistant
1762 — made a map of the west of North America
1768 — first trip around the world
1772 — second trip around the world
1776 — last trip
1779 — he was killed by the native people of some Hawaiian island.
Прочитай объявление из буклета Клуба Искателей Приключений. Скажи, что ты можешь там делать?
You can make a fire, cook meals, put up tents, provide first aid, sail on.boats and travel on mountain bicycles.
During the winter holidays you can learn how to drive a dog team and you can take part in a winter tour and feel the thrill of real adventure!
Закончи предложения.
1. … you can have to overcome difficulties, to change yourself and to feel proud of yourself.
2. … To travel by boats along the river or by bicycles through the forest.
3. … learn how to make a fire, cook meals, put up tents, provide first aid, sail on boats and travel on mountain bicycles.
4. … you can choose the most suitable way to travel.
5. … learn how to drive a dog team and you can take part in a winter tour and feel the thrill of real adventure!
Прочитай текст о Дмитрий Шпаро и скажи, какие проекты он создает для детей.
Since 1990, Dmitry, together with his son Matvey, has run a lot of projects for youths and children. These include scientific expeditions in Russia, travelling on rivers in the USA and a ski expedition to the North Pole.
Задай вопросы к предложениям.
1. When was Dmitry Shparo born?
2. Where did he lead his first expedition?
3. What did he get for the successful expedition to the North Pole?
4. What did an international ski expedition cross in 1988?
5. Where did he take scientific expeditions?
6. For whom does he run projects now?
Прочитай тексты и выполни задания:
Текст 1
1) какие картинки нарисовали русские дети, а какие — африканские?
1,3,5,8 — drawn by Russian children;
2, 4, 6, 7 — drawn by African children.
2) Выбери одну картинку и опиши ее.
I’d like to describe the picture number 4. On this picture we see a man in the white Arabian clothes going somewhere in the desert. This is night. The sky is dark and only moon gives the light. He is holding a jar in his hand. Maybe this is milk, maybe water. A dog is following the man. The picture is very romantic. I like it.
Текст 2
а) Что такое “шелковый путь”? Прочитай и выбери правильный ответ.
This is an ancient highway which connected West Asia with European countries.
b) Назови самые важные факты биографии Александры Толстой.
1974 — she was born
1999 — a horse trip on the Silk Road
2004 — horse trip through Russia to Asia
Найди слова и фразы, которые использовал Лермонтов и переводчик для описания погоды.
Играют волны, ветер свищет — The wind is strong, the wave is playing with the wave;
Под ним струя светлей лазури, над ним луч солнца золотой — By it a stream is bright as azure, by beams of sun it’s warmed and blessed.
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