Биболетова – 9 класс – Часть 1 – Рабочая тетрадь – Раздел 2 – Упражнение 11

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– Why are you so sure that Julia won’t enjoy this film?
– Because we are very much alike, and we always agree on things like films and music.
– When you were talking to that girl, you didn’t sound very friendly. You don’t get along very well, do you?
– No, we don’t. She is my brother’s girlfriend. But I don’t think she is good enough for him.
– Don’t you want to invite Tim to your party? He is amusing. He always tells jokes and pulls funny faces.
– I don’t find him amusing. And I don’t want to see him at my party.
– What was it all about and why did you get into the fight?
– I don’t know why they were fighting, but I stuck up for my friend.
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