Биболетова – 9 класс – Часть 1 – Рабочая тетрадь – Раздел 2 – Упражнение 9

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а) Найдите английские эквиваленты к словам и подчеркните их в тексте.

Быть дома – to be in; искать что-нибудь почитать – to search for something to read; дремать – to have a nap; случайно натолкнуться на что-то, случайно обнаружить – to come across something; вылечить скуку – to cure boredom; сколотить состояние – to make a fortune; играть в азартные игры – to gamble; умереть без гроша в кармане – to die penniless; няня – nanny; безумно влюбиться – to fall desperately in love with; убежать из дома – to escape from home; придуманное (ненастоящее) имя – under a false name; оказаться совершенно одной – to find oneself alone; скопить деньги на дорогу домой – to save money for the trip back; карнавальное платье, костюм – fancy dress; превращаться – turn out.

b) Напишите историю (реальную или воображаемую) о ком-либо из вашей семьи. Расспросите своих родителей, бабушек и дедушек.

Му great-grandfather Pavel was a very handsome and intelligent man. He was from a wealthy family. His father was a famous landowner, who had a big farmstead. But nearly all the other dwellers of that village were poor peasants. One of those peasants was a very beautiful girl. She was shy and courteous, and my great-grandfather fell in love with her. She also loved him, but they both knew, that Pavel’s father would never allow them to be together. That’s why they decided to escape from that country estate. They went to another district and soon got married in a local church.

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