Биболетова – 9 класс – Часть 1 – Рабочая тетрадь – Раздел 4 – Упражнение 3

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Используйте слова и выражения из рамки, чтобы дополнить диалоги. Разыграйте их.
– How did you like the jazz band?
– Oh, they were gorgeous! They usually perform very well, but that show was beyond all expectations.
– Shall we plan the coming weekend? How would you like to spend it?
– I don’t really feel like going out. It has been a hard week, and I feel stressed out.
– How about the barbecue in the country then?
– That would be lovely!
– You look great in that dress. Are you going to wear it to the party?
– By no means. It doesn’t match the colour of my hair. And it’s out of fashion, can’t you see?
– It seems trendy enough to me…
– You sound like my grandmother. No, I’ll be wearing jeans.
– OK. I’ll drop in to pick you up at 6 p. m.
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