Биболетова – 9 класс – Часть 1 – Раздел 2 – Упражнение 35

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Family means people who are ready to help each other in different situations. – Family means a unity of people who support each other in different situations.
Family relationships are much stronger than relationships among friends and that’s why family is more important than friends. – Blood is thicker than water. That’s why family is much more important than friends.
They worry only about their jobs and earning money. – The only things they care about are their jobs and making money.
We sometimes say angry and rude words to each other. – Sometimes we quarrel.
Their arguments make me think that they are right. – I find their arguments quite convincing.
You can’t find real friends easily. – I agree that not all people you go out with can be called friends. Real friends are very rare and you should cherish them. And if you happen to find them, take care of them, never hurt them and try not to lose them.

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