Биболетова – 9 класс – Часть 2 – Рабочая тетрадь – Раздел 2 – Упражнение 6

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a) Trip
You should take sunglasses, shorts and T-shirts because there is very shiny weather in Malta in summer. It’s a good idea to take a swimming suit, flippers and a surfboard which will be very useful in Malta, because you will have an opportunity to do water sports there. Besides that, you will go sightseeing in Malta, that’s why you should take и camera with you and maybe you will need an umbrella too, because there are sometimes rainstorms in hot countries. It’s not a very good idea lo take jewellery, as there would be no use in it and also there will be risk of being robbed; and I won’t recommend you to take a formal suit too. It’s silly to take hockey helmet and hockey stick, because there is no ice for playing hockey in Malta. It would be also silly to take a warm coat and woolen gloves, because there is very hot in Malta and you won’t need to.wear them.
b) Trip
You should take a warm coat and woolen gloves with you, because there is cold climate in Ireland. You will also need a hockey helmet and a hockey stick, because you will work as a hockey coach for young children in the local school. I think, it’s not a very good idea to take jewellery, because there won’t be practical use of it. It’s a good idea to take a camera, as you may go sightseeing, and a formal suit, which you may also need during some formal occasions. I wouldn’t also recommend you to take an umbrella, as it hardly ever rains in Ireland, but mostly snows. It is silly to take a swimming suit, a surfboard, sunglasses, llippers, shorts and T-shirts there, because it is quite cold in Ireland and nil those things will be absolutely useless there.
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