Биболетова – 9 класс – Часть 3 – Рабочая тетрадь – Раздел 1 – Упражнение 4

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a) Заполните пропуски подходящими предлогами, где нужно. Подчеркните выражения, с которыми вы не согласны.
If a person has no friends, it means he doesn’t deserve friendship.
When a person shouts at elderly people, it means that he is rude an ill-bred.
If a person has once lied to you, it means you should never trust him.
If a person supports people who need it, he should be respected for it.
A person should be polite towards other people even if he doesn’t care for them.
b) Объясните, почему вы не согласились с утверждениями, которые подчеркнули.

I can’t agree that if a person has no friends, it means he doesn’t deserve friendship. I think that
this statement is absolutely false, as there can be situations, when a person is just unlike all his classmates. He may be too shy and an introvert. He may have absolutely different way of thinking and view of life in comparison with children of the same age. That’s why it can be difficult for him to find a person with similar interests, but this doesn’t mean that he doesn’t deserve friendship.
I don’t agree that if a person has once lied to you, it means you should never trust him. There can be such situations, when a person who loves and appreciates you very much has to lie to you just because he cares about you and thinks that it will be better for you not to know something. Such kind of situations can be called “lie for better” and it doesn’t mean that the person who did it can be never trusted, just the opposite, it means that he cares about you and you should also appreciate him for this.

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