Биболетова – 9 класс – Часть 3 – Рабочая тетрадь – Раздел 2 – Упражнение 12

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Напишите сочинение о конфликте курящих и некурящих.

It goes without saying that cigarette smoke is harmful to one’s health. Many smokers are aware of this fact and yet continue smoking. That is their own problem. It is not fair, however, that non-smokers should be forced to breath second-hand smoke. In fact, there are several strong arguments – to support the position that smoking should be banned in all public places.
First of all, every individual has an inviolable right to health and safety. It is unjust that simply visiting a public place could be hazardous to one’s health. In this sense, the act of smoking in an enclosed space is not only inconsiderate toward non-smokers, but even criminal.
Smokers might claim that on the other hand, they have a right to smoke if they so wish, and nobody has the right to stop them. This argument does not hold water. The right to freedom of action is forfeited if the activity brings harm to others.
The ban on smoking in public places might also be supported by the fact that the inconvenience it causes smokers is very small. Those who feel the urge to light up can always step outside for a few minutes or smoke in a special area designated for smoking. They might even find their cigarette more pleasurable and satisfying if smoking it means taking a break from whatever they were doing and spending a few minutes relaxing outside.
In the end, restricting the space where smoking is permitted can only have positive results. The air in public places will always be clean and fresh and will pose no health hazards to anyone. When smokers find that they are forbidden to smoke in many places, they might begin smoking less and less and may even be encouraged to quit for good. Perhaps one day, the entire world will even be smoke free.

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