Биболетова – 9 класс – Часть 3 – Раздел 1 – Упражнение 42

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Работайте группами. Обсудите, могут ли проблемы окружающей среды являться результатом конфликтов между людьми и Землей. Что люди должны делать для предупреждения таких конфликтов? Поделитесь своим мнением с другими группами.

Nowadays environmental problems are nearly the most important global problems. People have already understood that for many centuries human beings polluted the air, the water and the soil of our planet. Now they try to find some ways to reduce this pollution. Why is it so important? Polluted air, water and land are dangerous for all animals and for people. Breathing polluted air and drinking polluted water can immediately destroy all the life on the Earth. That’s why we should do something about it. We shouldn’t at least drop litter into the water. The government should give us the opportunity to sort rubbish (to have different bins for different kinds of litter), and it should also make a special organization for recycling the rubbish so that we could bring cans, bottles, etc to the local recycling centre. We also pollute the air by using automobiles and different sprays, by smoking and cutting down trees. So, we should try to walk or cycle more instead of driving a car or use a special ecologically-friendly fuel. We also burn a lot of fuel when standing in traffic jams, so our government should try to solve I he problem of the traffic jams. We should avoid using sprays, because I he use of them helps to create the holes in ozone layer. And it would be better for the atmosphere and for people’s health to give up smoking and to take care of trees. We should not cut them down or at least plant more trees. Besides that, we should take care of animals, especially of the endangered species. All animals are a part of nature and we should live in peace with them.
As you see, there are quite a number of today’s environmental problems, and, of course, we’ve discussed only some of them, but not all. There are quite effective and simple ways to make our planet cleaner or at least to stop polluting it. If all of us will take care of our ecology, we may really make our planet greener. We should remember of our own children, who will live on the Earth after us, and try to make our air, water and land cleaner for them.

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