Биболетова – 9 класс – Часть 3 – Раздел 1 – Упражнение 48

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Работайте в парах. Изучите обстоятельства конфликта в упр. 47. Запишите аргументацию обеих сторон конфликта, опираясь на их точки зрения. Используйте прямую речь из текста.
Fern’s parents’ point of view: they should do away with the runt pig.
Fein’s point of view: it’s unfair to kill the pig. Fern’s parents’ arguments:
The pig is small and weak and will never amount to anything.
It would probably die anyway.
It’s difficult to raise runt pigs.
A weakling makes trouble.
Fern’s arguments:
It is unfair to kill the pig only because it’s smaller than the others.
The pig couldn’t help being born small – it wasn’t its fault. She even compares a pig with a newborn baby: if I had been very small at birth, would you have killed me?
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