Биболетова – 9 класс – Часть 4 – Раздел 1 – Упражнение 12

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Прочитайте предложения. Заполните пропуски словосочетаниями из упр. 11.
I have asked you many times not to slam the door when you come home. It looks as if you keep doing it on purpose.
I wouldn’t trust John. He never keeps his word.
I am quite lucky that my parents keep an open mind about modern music and fashion.
It is always good to keep together all your paper work. Then you never lose anything.
It is not easy to get a promotion. They say you need to get good experience first and then think about a promotion.
If you can’t afford the university fees, you can always try and get a student loan or get back to studying later when you’ve got some more money and time.
My friend wants to get a good job and start earning good money so that he can go travelling round the world one day.
It is very important for me to get good results in my English exams as I am hoping to go study abroad for a while.
Nobody believed he would enter the university. But he… and succeeded at last.
It’s very important for a scientist to have/ keep an open mind and consider new ideas.
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