Деревянко, 6. Учебник. Unit 2. Lesson 4

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1 ghost
2 top
3 tower
4 stone
5 castle
6 stairs
7 bottom
8 field
to laugh – смеяться
sound – звук
die – умереть
fall – fell – fallen – падать
1 Claire wanted to see the tower.
2 I think she was not afraid in the field.
3 She was afraid. She thought there was a ghost of a women.
4 It was exciting. I was afraid too.
5 I think she wanted to run away after the stone fell.
6 I think she ran away.
1 поле
2 замок
3 дверь
4 башня
5 лестница
6 верх
7 камни
(возможные варианты)
1. замок
2. солнечный, ясный
3. поле
4. призраки
5. башня
6. солнце
7. испуганный
8. дверь
9. лестница
10. звук
11. камень
12. верх
13. призрак
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