Деревянко, 7. Учебник. Unit 9. Lesson 1

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1. Mercury – Меркурий
2. Venus-Венера
3. Earth-Земля
4. Mars-Марс
5. Jupiter – Юпитер
6. Saturn-Сатурн
7. Uranus-Уран
8. Neptune – Нептун
9. Pluto-Плутон
Венера – 1, 3, 8
Сатурн – 2
Плутон – 4, 7
Марс – 5
Юпитер – 6
… nearly as cold as …
… nearly as long as …
… has as many moons as …
(возможные варианты)
Mercury is hotter than Saturn. The day on Mercury is longer than on Saturn. The year on Mercury is longer too. But Saturn is largest than Mercury.
(возможные варианты)
Pupil A: The day on Mercury is shorter than on Saturn.
Pupil B: Wrong. The day on Mercury is longer than on Saturn.
Pupil A: Neptune is hottest than Saturn.
Pupil B: Wrong. The temperature on Neptune is colder than Saturn.
Pupil C: Right. Neptune is colder than Saturn.
Pupil A: Neptune has more moons than Jupiter.
Pupil B: Wrong. Neptune has got 7 moons and Jupiter has got 16 moons.
Pupil C: Right. Jupiter has more moons than Neptune.
(возможные варианты)
If I were an astronaut I would go to Saturn because it has 16 moons.
If I were an astronaut I would go to Pluto because it is the smallest planet in the world.
If I were an astronaut I would go to Jupiter because it has the shortest day.
If I were an astronaut I would go to Venus because the temperature on Venus is the hottest in the solar system.
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