Дворецкая, 8. Рабочая тетрадь. Unit 8. Lessons 2-3

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2. Bob can’t have covered the page in the class register with ink. F
3. Emma must have informed the police. D
4. Police can’t have questioned Mr. Foster. C
5. The suspect must have been at the crime scene that night. E
6. Jim must have called me that night. В
7. Inspector Donut can’t have proved that Luker was guilty. A
1. b
2. c
3. a
4. c
1. hid
2. had always told
3. wished
4. had stopped
5. ran
6. tried
7. decided
8. didn’t stop
9. asked
10. didn’t want
11. had happened
12. didn’t know
13. took
14. had been
15. had stayed
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