Афанасьева, Михеева, Баранова, Rainbow, 8. Учебник. Unit 3. Step 7

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A. 1b, 2e, 3c, 4d, a — extra.
1) by;
2) to, from;
3) with, —;
4) for;
5) —;
6) in;
7) at.
1) gifted child;
2) deserve a gold medal;
3) school library;
4) punish her servant;
5) important matter;
6) caring teachers;
7) moving novel;
8) poor imagination;
9) imagine my future life.
to star in a film — играть главную роль в фильме;
leading role — главная роль;
talented — талантливый;
telekinetic powers — телекинетические (возможности)/способности передвигать предметы;
to terrorize — терроризировать;
by contrast — напротив (наоборот);
intellectual — интеллектуальный.
Hi, Walter! What’s up? Someone has stolen my bike! My mum saw a programme on the telly yesterday. They said something about a guy stealing bikes in our neighbourhood. I have a pal who is a cop. Do you think I should phone him? I think it’s a terrific idea.
1) cruel;
2) attention;
3) slow;
4) shallow;
5) terrorize;
6) matter;
7) bookshop.
1) first;
2) previously;
3) meanwhile;
4) eventually;
5) finally.
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