Афанасьева, Михеева, Баранова, Rainbow, 8. Учебник. Unit 4. Step 8

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1f, 2e, 3c, 4a; 5d; b — extra.
1) idealism;
2) neighbourhood;
3) boredom;
4) brotherhood;
5) wisdom;
6) leadership;
7) freedom;
8) kingdom;
9) patriotism;
10) relationship;
11) friendship;
12) childhood.
1) sensible;
2) knowledgeable;
3) respectable/respected;
4) neighbourhood;
5) villagers;
6) contribution;
7) admiration;
8) improvement;
9) relationship;
10) wisdom.
1c, 2a, 3c, 4b, 5c.
1) off;
2) up;
3) out;
4) out;
5) off;
6) down;
7) up;
8) down;
9) out;
10) up.
1h, 2i, 3g, 4b, 5e, 6c, 7d, 8f, 9a.
1) The money is made of paper.
2) The vase is made of china.
3) The coat is made of fur.
4) The salad is made from vegetables.
5) The ring is made of metal.
6) The soup is made from tomatoes.
7) The bench is made of stone.
8) The chain is made of silver.
9) The marmalade is made from oranges.
10) The juice is made from plums.
1) for;
2) about;
3) after;
4) at;
5) for;
6) at;
7) to;
8) for;
9) to;
10) of/about.
1c, 2d, 3e, 4b, 5a
1) to put out the fire;
2) to put on a raincoat;
3) to put off till tomorrow;
4) to put up with something;
5) to put down something.
1) in the neighbourhood;
2) relationships between the countries;
3) in the babyhood;
4) in the childhood;
5) a powerful kingdom;
6) real patriotism;
7) a great boredom;
8) his leadership;
9) a great wisdom;
10) our brotherhood and friendship.
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