Баранова, Starlight 8. Grammar Bank 3

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2I 4C 6A 8В 10J
3F 5G 7H 9E
2 We may go to the music festival.
3 You don’t have to give me a lift.
4 When I was a child, I couldn’t look after an animal properly.
5 He could get around with the use of a cane.
6 Must I show you my identification?
7 You mustn’t drop litter in the street.
8 Can I sit here for a moment?
2 You have to have/must have a senior citizen’s card to get in free.
3 You can’t/mustn’t transfer festival tickets to another name.
4 You should/ought to get some help from the charity.
5 Could/Can I stay at your house tonight?
6 You shouldn’t walk in the forest alone.
7 We must/have to recycle in this town, it’s a law.
8 She was able to pitch her tent before it got to dark.
2В 4C 6A 8C
3C 5C 7В
2 continues
3 heat
4 wouldn’t have collapsed
5 would volunteer
6 will escape
7 had refused
8 can contact
9 were
10 want
2 wouldn’t donate
3 would have taken
4 would have offered
5 drive
6 doesn’t eat
7 would have applied
8 colonised
2 If Mary spoke French, she would have got the job at the school.
3 If the hiker had found something to eat in the jungle, he wouldn’t be feeling hungry now.
4 If I knew him, I would have asked for his help.
5 If the children hadn’t been singing and dancing at the festival all morning, they wouldn’t be tired now.
(Suggested Answers)
2 … I would have booked tickets.
3 … I will drop by later.
4 … I would join Greenpeace.
5 … it would be the saxophone.
6 … I would make huge donations to various charities.
2 hadn’t yelled 5 gave
3 had 6 hadn’t closed
4 hadn’t dropped out
2 I wish/lf only I were good at pitching a tent.
3 The woman wishes she could afford to buy a new outfit.
4 I wish/lf only I could give a home to every homeless person in the city.
5 The police wish they had caught the thief.
6 I wish/lf only Mike hadn’t broken my MP3 player.
(Suggested Answers)
2 … a huge garden so I could take in stray animals.
3 … bought that faulty camcorder.
4 … so tired all the time.
5 … travel all around the world.
2 when
3 which/that
4 where
5 whose
2 The sheep and cows which/that were set loose by loggers belong to a local farmer.
3 Greenpeace is an environmental organisation whose actions are known all over the world.
4 The reasons why he ended up on the streets are still unknown.
5 This is a collection point where people can dispose of old electronic equipment.
2 which/that
3 who
4 which
5 whose
6 where
2С 3C 4В 5C 6A
2 which/that (O – omitted)
3 which/that (S – not omitted)
4 which/that (S – not omitted)
5 who/that (S – not omitted)
6 whose (S – not omitted)
7 who/that (S – not omitted)
8 which/that (S – not omitted)
9 which/that (0 – omitted)
10 who/that (0 – omitted)
11 who/that (0 – omitted)
12 which/that (0 – omitted)
2 which ND (put commas)
3 where ND (put commas)
4 why D (no commas)
5 who ND (put commas)
6 which ND (put commas)
7 when D (no commas)
8 which/that D (no commas)
9 which ND (put commas)
10 whose D (no commas)
11 who D (no commas)
12 why D (no commas)
(Suggested Answers)
2 … why people can be so unfair.
3 … when I took my first holiday abroad.
4 … where I could enjoy nature at its best.
5 … which/that was about African wildlife.
6 … who talks all the time.
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