Баранова, Starlight 8. Учебник. Module 4. Language in Use

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1 off
2 down
3 on
4 out
5 up
1 in 2 on 3 for 4 at 5 in
1 attracts (draw = to pull – draw attention to)
2 sank (drop = to fall, e.g. temperature)
3 wandered (wondered = asked himself)
4 admitted (accept an invitation)
5 bring (take from one place to another)
6 lies (lay sth down)
1 appearance
2 quietness, privacy
3 collection
4 difference
5 activity
1 annual
2 travel
3 weather
4 video
5 lifelong
6 demand
7 native
8 highly
9 welcome
10 drive
11 full
12 closely
1 T
2 F one police officer
3 F Yetis
4 F rediscovered in 1938
5 F every October full moon
6 T
7 F 65 million years ago
8 F JFK was assassinated
1 Apollo 13 went into space in 1969. (F- 1970)
2 The Bermuda Triangle is in the Pacific Ocean. (F- The Atlantic)
3 Roswell is in New Mexico. (T)
4 Henry VIII haunts the Tower of London. (F – Anne Boleyn)
5 The Theatre Royal opened in 1663. (T)
6 The Tree of Life is in New Mexico. (F – Bahrain)
7 Jack Horner is an archaeologist. (F – palaeontologist)
8 Eclipse was written by Stephanie Meyer. (T)
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