Баранова, Starlight 8. Учебник. Module 5. Language in Use

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1 at
2 up
3 out
4 around
5 away
1 of
2 with
3 in
4 of
5 to
6 to
1 took
2 opportunity
3 work
4 sights
5 shining
1 childhood
2 scholarship
3 friendship
4 neighbourhood
5 apprenticeship
1 negotiation
2 university
3 fees
4 energy
5 activities
6 inner
7 art
8 course
9 financial
10 full
11 halls
12 occasional
1 T
2 F He runs a free educational website.
3 F William Kamkwamba
4 T
5 F young people 14-24
6 F free
7 F to his village Masitala
8 T
9 F cowgirls 10 T
1 Shaolin monks come from Thailand. (F – China)
2 Salman Khan graduated from Boston University. (F -Fiarvard)
3 Katherine Jenkins is an opera singer. (T)
4 Bryan Mealer is an American journalist. (T)
5 20% of people have access to electricity in Malawi. (F – 2%)
6 William Kankwamba invented a type of lamp. (F – a type of windmill to produce electricity)
7 The capital of Zambia is Lusaka. (T)
8 The average monthly wage in Zambia is $75. (F -$40)
9 Pilates can help you sing better. (F – breathing control)
10 Loci is a visualisation technique. (T)
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