Баранова, Starlight 9. Учебник. Module 1. Language in Use

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1 hold on
2 got on
3 catch on
4 looked on
5 passed, on
6 carry on
1 on
2 by
3 by
4 to
5 with
6 on
1 machine
2 dish
3 crime
4 charity
5 literacy
6 buildings
7 family
8 gather
9 gate
10 closing
1 possessions
2 immigration
3 responsibility
4 emotional
5 vandalism
6 inspection
7 hospitality
1 treated 2 help 3 adapt 4 lend
1 “Behave yourself or you can’t go out,” Jane’s mother told her.
2 The water served dessert after the meal.
3 He decided to adopt an animal and help it survive.
4 I borrowed 10 pounds from John as I had left my wallet at home.
1 T
2 T
3 F (They live in Papua New Guinea. The Moken live in the Andaman Sea.)
4 T
5 F (Only third class passengers had to)
6 T
7 T
8 T
1 40% of Mongolians are nomads. (T)
2 There are 20,000 Sea Gypsies. (F – 2-3,000)
3 The insect Tribe come from a village called Swagup. (T)
4 Passing through customs at Ellis Island could take as little as three hours. (T)
5 Ellis Island’s nickname was ‘the kissing post’. (F – this was the nickname of the exit to Ellis Island. The island’s nickname was ‘Island of Tears.’
6 Freegans get most of their food from supermarket bins. (T)
7 Freegans are either homeless or unemployed. (F -they are neither)
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