Баранова, Starlight 9. Учебник. Module 1h

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I think that sharing can save people money and bring the people in a community closer.
1 who
2 up
3 certain/some
4 these
5 too
6 for
7 when
8 who
9 of
10 out/aw ay
11 which/that
12 there
1 spirit
2 drill
3 close
4 schemes
5 share
6 dust
7 rid
8 reusable
9 space
10 terrible
I often give things I want to get rid of to my friends and they give me stuff too such as books, clothes and CDs. This way we save on money and we keep landfills low. My parents share tools with their neighbours and friends who live close to us. We sometimes borrow our next-door neighbour’s lawnmower and we lend him our ladder. I think carpooling is a great idea and when I have my own car I will try that.
Good afternoon, today I’m going to talk about freecyde. Freecyde is a scheme that allows people to donate unwanted items for free to someone else who wants them and is able to reuse them. It not only helps people out but also cuts down on unnecessary waste. People log on to the website in their area or country and leave a message describing what they are offering and where someone can collect it from. Other people read the messages and reply when they see something they need. There are lots of things on offer from old furniture, clothes and books to computer parts and mobile phones. All in all, freecyde helps reduce waste, save sources and keep landfills low.
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