Баранова, Starlight 9. Учебник. Module 3. Skills

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I think the text is about a new way of exercising called Chaos Training.
1 F (peek through the door of a Chaos Training class)
2 NS
3 T (It doesn’t matter how they do it because it all works their bodies and minds.)
4 NS
5 F (some get on each other’s shoulders … make a human ladder… two rows of people…)
6 T (Workouts like these can be great confidence builders.)
7 F (It’s the kind of approach athletes use all the time testing different muscles and challenging reaction times.)
8 T (I actually began to enjoy myself, maybe even enough to go along to the next class!)
1 professionals
2 prevention
3 occasionally
4 Researchers
5 healthiest
6 excited
Key words: letter, from, Danny, What sports, at your school, Which, your favourite, What, you prefer, team sports, individual sports, How, you keep fit
Dear Danny,
Thanks for your news. I’m glad you asked me about sport because I love anything to do with physical exercise.
We play football, basketball and hockey at my school.
We have P.E. twice a week and I play on the basketball team which is, of course, my favourite sport. I love team sports. I really look forward to playing with the team or just with my friends on the court. I believe that winning a match is not just about you as an individual, but on team co-operation. All the training I do for the school team keeps me fit, but I sometimes go jogging in the park when I’ve got some free time.
Go to go now!
1 B 2 A 3 C 4 В 5 C 6 A
Key words: 1.5-2 minute talk about diets, why people, on diets, whether you, healthy lifestyle, which, prefer, junk food or healthy food, why
1 people feel that others find them more attractive if they are thinner/advertisements suggest that the slimmer you are, the more you successful you can be/people go on diets for health reasons
2 First of all, For example, Also, Secondly, For instance, To my mind
3 Yes
4 Yes
5 The examiner asks if it is important for people to know how to cook. He also asks what the student’s favourite dish is.
6 Yes, I agree with the student’s answers. Everyone should know how to cook for themselves and lasagna is a fantastic dish!
Key words: 1.5-2 minute talk, gyms, why people use gyms, whether you use local gym, which prefer, exercising in a gym or outdoors
Brainstorm: lose weight, slim, health, fitness, muscles, company, membership, weight training, exercise machines, treadmill, fresh air, park, etc.
Speaker: Gyms are a popular way to get fit and there at least three gyms in my neighbourhood. People use gyms to improve their fitness, lose weight and sometimes they exercise as a leisure activity. The people who want to build muscle want to look and feel stronger. Those who want to lose weight for personal or health reasons use the machines to burn off all those extra calories. Others use gyms as a place where they can meet people and make friends. Lots of gyms run classes in things like dance and martial arts and may even have sunbeds.
I used to go to my local gym. But I stopped after about six months. I was in the school athletics team and I wanted to improve my strength. The gym was well-equipped with lots of exercise machines, weights for weight training and some treadmills for running. There was even an instructor who could give you advice. It was fun for a while, but it became a bit boring in the winter when I had to go out in the cold and the rain. That’s why I didn’t carry on really. I’ve exercised in a gym and outdoors and I much prefer training in the fresh air these days. I often go running in the park and it’s a great way to get fit and clear your head after a tiring or stressful day at work. In a way, it’s not so different from exercising in a gym. I see the same people every day and we talk and sometimes run together. The other thing about exercising outdoors is the cost – there isn’t any! It can be very expensive to join a gym and a lot of people just don’t have that money these days.
1 I prefer to exercise on my own. I can choose when and where I exercise. I can listen to music on my MP3 player as I run. Even exercising on your own, you can meet people and have a chat.
2 Even though I don’t have a lot of free time, I would like to take up a martial art. It’s important to be able to defend yourself and any martial art is also good exercise. I don’t know which one I would choose, but I have heard that capoeira is a great way to get fit.
Key words: weekend job, receptionist, local gym, manager asked you, write a report, making suggestions, how new members can be attracted, 120-180 words
1 I am a receptionist at my local gym. I have to write to the manager of the gym.
2 I have to write a report making suggestions on how to attract new members.
3 I will write in formal style.
4 I will begin with an introduction which states the purpose of the report.
5 Problems: The gym has not been painted for ten years. The equipment has not been renewed. There isn’t a wide range of activities. The local people don’t know about the gym.
Solutions: Renovate and decorate the gym as well as buy some new equipment. Add dance or yoga classes. Put advertisements in local newspapers.
6 I will use headings such as: Introduction, New Classes, Opening Hours, Special Offers, Conclusion
7 I will end my report with a summary of the suggestions and a hope that the measures will attract new members.
The purpose of this report is to suggest ways to attract new members to the gym.
New Classes
One suggestion to attract new members would be to offer members a range of new exercise classes that appeal to all age groups. For example, T’ai Chi orZumba classes would appeal to people of different ages and would attract more members to join the gym.
Opening Hours
Another suggestion is to open for longer hours. If the gym opens earlier in the morning and stays open later at night, it will be accessible to more people. For example, more people will be able to come to the gym before and after work.
Special Offers
It would be a good idea to offer a reduction in membership fees for all new members. This would attract people to join because of the lower prices. Conclusion
All in all, I feel that new exercise classes, longer opening hours and special offers on membership fees would definitely attract more people to the gym.
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