Баранова, Starlight 9. Учебник. Module 5. Skills

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The article is about the fact that scientists have recently discovered more than 1,200 new planets and that they are hoping to find worlds that may be fit for life.
Key words:
A – future’s looking good,
В – what, discovery, mean,
C – what, seems, to show,
D – Kepler’s done so far,
E – New inhabitable planets,
F – Challenges,
G – Technology, changed everything,
H – History, planet discovery
1 E (recently discovered more than 1,200 worlds … that might be for life.)
2 В (…it would tell us that a planet is home to inhabitants…)
3 H (For 200 millenia …Then in 1781 …Within a century and a half… And then there was nothing until 1995…)
4 G (Until now, they’ve found… nearly one a week… That is, until Kepler’s big announcement… able to find many planets at the same time.)
5 D (Keplerhas found… SETI has searched…)
6 C (early results from Kepler indicate … at least 30,000… habitable worlds.)
7 A (… still underway …in the next few years … but 30,000 is a big number!)
Key words: five different speakers, plans for the future, Match, speaker, with the sentences, one extra sentence,
A – how, achieve, dream (will, going to, plan, soon, etc.),
В – how ambitious he/she is (success, determined, etc),
C – doesn’t know, what he/she wants to do (unsure, not certain, job, career, etc),
D – just had, career change (job, profession, fired, hired, etc.),
E – why, do a certain job (because, particular, especially, etc),
F – wants to work with others (teamwork, co-operation, together, etc)
1 B 2 A 3 E 4 C 5 F
Key words: letter from, Thomas, Can you see yourself running your own business one day?, What would your dream job be like?, more important, make a lot of money, be happy in your job, Why?, write, letter, answer, 3 questions, 100-120 words, Remember, rules of letter writing
Dear Thomas,
Thanks for your letter. It’s great to hear that your dad is setting up his own Internet business.
I don’t know whether I can see myself running my own business because it’s too much responsibility. You have to hire and fire people and also make sure that they do their jobs properly. My dream job would be something that allowed me to be paid to do something I love, but that’s very rare these days. I would rather be happy in my job than make a lot of money. It can’t be nice to do to something you hate even if you are well paid.
Write back with more news about your dad’s business.
Best wishes,
Key words: 1.5-2 minute talk, exploration, why people, go where no one has ever been before, benefits of expeditions, whether you would go, what kind, ocean, Arctic, desert
Brainstorm: ambition, fame, advances in science, financial, broaden the horizons of knowledge, new medicines, new species, depths, endangered species, frozen wastes, oil, natural gas, heat, etc.
There are many reasons why people want to go on expeditions to places that other people have never been before. Expeditions are usually funded by scientific institutes, universities or private companies and in each case there are important reasons for the expedition. Firstly, there is the sense of personal achievement that someone will get when they do something that no one else has done whether it is finding something new or unusual or just expanding the horizons of knowledge. Secondly, there is the fame that goes with such an achievement. The first person that does something or goes somewhere will go down in history and nothing can change that. Thirdly, there may be a lot of money in discovering some new place or thing.
Expeditions can bring lots of benefits. A lot of expeditions find something that can be used. Expeditions into the rainforests have found plants that can be used for medicines. Expeditions to the bottom of the sea and the snow fields of the Arctic have found valuable deposits of oil and natural gas and even if the expedition comes back with nothing that can be used, just learning about something new can be incredibly rewarding.
I wouldn’t like to go on an expedition because they are usually dangerous. People have lost their lives going to places that no-one has gone to before. I admire the people who put themselves at risk in the name of science, but I’m afraid I’m not one of those people.
The student talks about the challenge of expeditions and the thrill people get from seeing or doing something for the very first time. The student also mentions the fact that through film and photography, the people back home can share in what the explorers are seeing. Finally, the student says that they would like to go on an expedition to the bottom of the sea.
1 natural
2 Scientists
3 impressive
4 mysterious
5 attraction
6 darkness
The text is about a Greek physicist’s sudden breakthrough and how we can perhaps have similar breakthroughs.
1 cried
2 to share
3 rose/would rise
4 is used
5 isn’t
6 having
7 find/are finding
8 are looking for
9 will come
Key words: short story, ‘An incredible discovery’, (120-ISO words)
My story could be about someone diving to the bottom of the sea and discovering some hidden treasure. The main event is the discovery of the treasure and it will be in paragraph 3.1 will make my story more interesting by using a variety of adjectives and adverbs.
An Incredible Discovery
One warm, sunny Sunday afternoon last summer, my friends, Nathan, Andrea and I decided to go exploring in a beautiful national park. “I’ve heard that there are some hidden caves there,” Nathan told us, excitedly. “Let’s try to find them!”
After a few hours not seeing even a single cave, I finally spotted a tiny entrance in a rock face. We all quickly crawled through and I switched on a torch and peered around. I’Ve all gasped loudly in surprise. There on the wall was a huge cave painting. There were figures of people and strange-looking animals.
“We should show this to someone,” Andrea eventually whispered. IVe all agreed that it could have been done by teen jokers. We quickly fetched a park ranger. The next day, a team of archaeologists swarmed to the cave and took lots of photos. Eventually, we learnt that we had indeed discovered a very rare stone-age cave painting! Soon after, the archaeologists discovered more similar paintings in the area. We were local heroes! We certainly felt very proud of ourselves!
1 told Julie not to
2 want anyone else to know
3 everyone apart from
4 borrowed his bike without asking
5 is supposed to be
6 didn’t remember anything
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