Баранова, Starlight 9. Учебник. Module 5g

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deal with people – waitress, bank cashier
start your own business – open a dance studio, manicurist
have a 9-5 job in an office – human resources assistant, typist
be the boss – a chief editor, store manager
work from home as a freelancer – online teacher, writer
become a professional – vet, professor
have a skilled job – carpenter, painter
work in the armed forces/emergency services – ambulance driver, naval officer
become a famous celebrity – TV presenter, DJ
I might like to start my own business in the future; maybe something like a web design business, because I’d like to be my own boss. I really wouldn’t like to be a famous celebrity, though; I think it would be far too much pressure.
B: … enjoy challenges a lot, because it can be quite difficult to set up a business. You also need a lot of determination to succeed and self-motivation because you don’t have anyone else to do things for you or tell you what to do.
A: That’s right. What about a job where you have to deal with people?
B: Well, mostly I think you need sensitivity to others for those kinds of jobs and good communication skills.
A: I agree. I think celebrities need to have good communication skills too, and they also need a lot of confidence and maybe natural talent.
B: Yes, you’re right. I think people with skilled jobs need the right qualifications obviously.
A: That’s true, but also relevant experience can be just as valuable to them, etc
1 A 3 C 5 В 7 A
2 C 4 В 6 C
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