Ваулина, 8. Контрольные тесты по грамматике. Модуль 4

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Перепишите предложения, поставив глаголы в форму страдательного залога.
1. The new library will be opened by the Mayor tomorrow.
2. The costumes for the play were created by Vesarce.
3. Hamlet was written by Shakespeare.
4. The meeting for the next week will be arranged.
5. This play hasn’t been translated yet by noone.
6. Elections for President are hold in France every five years.
7. A lot of people are influenced by advertising.
8. This fax should be sent right away.
9. He was found guilty of murder.
10. Pets cannot be taken into the theatre.
Перепишите предложения в страдательном залоге по заданному образцу.
2. Tomatoes, onion and garlic were used to make the sauce.
3. The new play will be directed by John Adams.
4. The ground was covered by snow.
5. “Guernica” was painted by Picasso.
Перепишите заголовки как цельные предложения. Используйте страдательный залог.
1. New sports center will be opened by Prime Minister next Monday.
2. Famous top model was taken to hospital.
3. The Earth may be hit by an asteroid in 2014.
4. Philippines were hit by the strong earthquake.
5. The US basketball team was beaten by Greece.
Закончите текст, поставив глаголы в скобках в форму действительного или страдательного залога.
1. are encouraged;
2. is not found;
3. feels;
4. are expressed;
5. be ignored;
6. need;
7. are driven;
8. appears;
9. was retouched;
10. was photographed.
Составьте вопросы и ответы по образцу.
2. Mona Lisa was painted in the 16th century, (e)
3. The Parthenon is located in Athens, (a)
4. Harry Potter was written by J.K. Rowling, (c)
5. Cats were performed in Russia in 2005.
Напишите правильные предложения к каждой картинке по образцу.
2. A photograph is taking Sandy’s picture.
3. Kelly is testing her eyes.
4. Nigel is pruning the tree.
5. The school nurse is taking Martha’s temperature.
Напишите предложения no образцу.
2. I will have it fixed.
3. They had them repaired.
4. She is having it made.
5. They are going to have it painted.
6. They have it developed.
7. She had it cleaned.
8. He will have it cleaned.
Найдите соответствия в двух колонках и заполните пропуски правильной формой глагола в скобках.
1. с
2. а
3. d
4. е
5. b
1. She is having her nails done at the beauty salon at the moment.
2. Yes, Dad had it repaired at the hardware store yesterday.
3. I can’t. I had never had my ears pierced.
4. Don’t worry. I will have it dry-cleaned this afternoon.
5. You really should have examined it by a doctor, you know.
Прочитайте ситуации и запишите информацию по образцу.
2. Michael had one of his teeth pulled out by the dentist yesterday.
3. She had her car serviced by the garage.
4. Sue had a burglar alarm installed in her house.
5. You can have the information sent by email.
6. Eric had his wallet stolen yesterday while he was doing the shopping.
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