Ваулина, 8. Контрольные тесты по грамматике. Модуль 6

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а) Вставьте said или told.
1. said; 2. told; 3. said; 4. said.
b) используйте информацию из текста, чтобы закончить диалог спомощью прямой речи.
1. am going
2. want;
3. told;
4. was;
5. am;
6. heard;
7. know;
8. will go to.
Ваши друзья побывали на каникулах за границей и рассказывают вам об этом. Передайте их слова в косвенной речи.
2. Joe said that Paul had joined them later because he had missed his flight.
3. Sue said that they would show us the photoes as soon as they were developed.
4. Leslie said that the local cuisine was delicious.
5. Kate said she couldn’t wait to show us the souvenirs they had bought for everyone.
6. Paul said he was planning to go there again.
7. Mike said they had got lost as they had been walking through the city centre.
Перепишите предложения в косвенной речи.
1. Ann said it was very cold that day.
2. Bob said that Helen hadn’t come to the party the previous night.
3. Mary said her mum wasn’t very well.
4. George promised to tell Sue he had seen me.
5. Anna said she hadn’t talked to Jane recently.
6. Steve said they were living in New York then.
7. Tony said he would meet Jane the following day.
8. Diana said John had quit his job.
9. Jenny said we could visit them any time.
10. Sue said they were getting married the following Sunday.
11. Luke said he hadn’t gone to work the previous day.
12. Tom said that they had played well but had lost the game.
13. Paula said she was flying to Madrid that Sunday.
14. Charlie said he would be there the following Monday.
15. John said they had gone to the cinema the previous Tuesday.
Перепишите текст в косвенной речи.
Olga wrote a letter to her friend Anna. Olga said that she was enjoying her seaside holiday very much. She wrote she had arrived in Ireland the previous week and she had been spending every day swimming and having fun. Olga said that at the moment she was writing that postcard, she was waiting for another hotel guest so that they could go water-skiing together. She wrote that she was also going to try scuba diving and was even thinking of doing some underwater fishing. Olga sais that she had been very busy and she hadn’t given herself any time to just lie on the beach and sunbathe, but holidays were about having fun! She promised to tell Anna everything when she came back.
Вы в первый раз едете в Италию и ваш друг Паоло дает вам несколько советов о традициях и обычаях итальянцев. Передайте их в косвенной речи.
1. Paolo said not to call people by their first name until they had asked you to do so.
2. Paolo sai.d not to be late when you had arranged to meet someone.
3. Paolo said to offer the people who had invited you to their home sweets or flowers.
4. Paolo said to offer always an even number of flowers.
5. Paolo said not to talk about religion or politics.
6. Paolo said to dress simply and with a touch of style.
Вы туристический агент. Передайте вопросы Смита в косвенной речи.
2. Mr Smith asked how often the guided tour take place.
3. Mr Smith asked which the most famous landmarks in the area are.
4. Mr Smith asked if they would have the chance to explore the countryside.
5. Mrs Smith asked if they could book two tickets for the cruise.
6. Mr Smith asked if they had to carry their passports everywhere they went.
Просмотрите послания на автоответчике Сэма. Передайте их в косвенной речи.
1. Sue said she couldn’t reach him on his mobile phone. She wanted to know if he had got a new number.
2. David told Sam not to buy the phone they had seen. He said he had seen a cheaper one in the town.
3. Jo said that she had really enjoyed the film the night before. She asked if Sam could call her as soon as he got her message.
4. Chris asked why Sam hadn’t come to the party the day before. He worried if Sam was ok.
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