Ваулина, 8. Рабочая тетрадь. Модуль 3. Раздел 3e

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Прочитайте данные ниже абзацы и расставьте их в правильном порядке.
a 2
b 1
c 4
d 3
Выберите подходящее название для рассказа.
A Blessing in Disguise
Используйте связующие слова, чтобы соединить предложения.
1. Joan swam to the surface and shouted for help, but there was no answer.
2. When we got home, my mum was waiting for us.
3. The fire brigade arrived and they put out the fire.
4. As I was coming out of the building, I saw her.
5. They had been looking for a flat for three months before they found one they liked.
6. Bill couldnt sleep because of too much noise.
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