Ваулина, 8. Учебник. Модуль 4. Раздел 4f

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Вставьте: away, off, on, through, up with, out.
1. away;
2. off;
3. through;
4. on;
5. out;
6. up with.
Вставьте: for, in, to, with.
1. to;
2. for;
3. for;
5. to;
6. in;
7. in.
4. with;
Прочитайте таблицу, затем закончите предложения словами, производными от выделенных слов.
1. impatient;
2. irresponsible;
3. impossible;
4. illogical;
5. illegal;
6. informal.
Выберите правильное слово.
1. match;
2. borrow;
3. invaluable;
4. trend;
5. genuine.
Перепишите текст в страдательном залоге.
Last week Bluemoore’s new shopping mall was opened by the Mayor. He was given a tour and was introduced to some shop owners. Then he was taken to lunch in the restaurant. The Mayor told that the visit had been enjoyed by him very much.
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