Ваулина, 8. Учебник. Модуль 6. Раздел 6c

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Изучите примеры. Заполните пропуски словами said или told.
1. told;
2. said;
3. said;
4. told;
5. said.
Натан проводит две недели, путешествуя в одиночку по Объединенному Королевству. Предеайте его слова в косвенной речи.
1. Не said that was the most thrilling experience he had ever had.
2. Nathan said that sometimes he got a bit lonely.
3. He said that on Sunday he was flying to Ireland.
4. Nathan said that he had spent five days in Edinburgh. It had been amazing!
5. He said he couldn’t carry all his stuff around easily.
6. He said if he had time he would visit Cardiff.
b. Перескажите в косвенной речи.
1. The travel agent told me to have a valid passport.
2. The travel agent told me leave copies of your itinerary with family and call them regularly.
3. The travel agent told me to learn about local laws and customs.
4. The travel agent told me not to leave my luggage unattended.
5. The travel agent told me not to carry large amounts of cash.
6. The travel agent told me not to tell people that I was travelling alone.
b. Перескажите вопросы в косвенной речи.
1. Nathan’s friends asked if he liked English food.
2. Nathan’s friends asked if he had his photographs developed.
3. Nathan’s friends asked what Edinburgh was like.
4. Nathan’s friends asked how much money he had spent.
5. Nathan’s friends asked if he would travel alone in the future.
6. Nathan’s friends asked if he had made any English friends.
Перескажите телефонные послания в косвенной речи.
1. Jason said he was calling to remind you that you had football practice at 9. He hoped to see you later.
2. Patty was calling to say that she had picked up the tickets on her way to work, so you didn’t have to bother. She hopes to see you later.
3. Alan said he was calling to excuse that he would not be able to come. Tony had had a nasty fall and they were taking him to hospital.
Перескажите реплики в косвенной речи.
2. Julia asked Penny which forms of public transport she used. Penny told her that she usually used the bus or the tram, but she never used the metro.
3. Frank asked Pat if she felt well. Pat said that she felt terrible. She had a terrible headache.
4. David asked Gwen if she went to the party last night. Gwen told that she had been there, but she had left the party early.
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