Ваулина, 8. Учебник. Модуль 6. Тест 6

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Вставьте: seaside, drive, sunstroke, boat, touristy, monuments, catch, track, book, boarded.
1. track;
2. drive;
3. touristy;
4. boat;
5. seaside;
6. monuments;
7. boarded;
8. book;
9. sunstroke;
10. catch.
Закончите предложения существительными, производными от выделенных слов.
1. seriousness;
2. development;
3. kindness;
4. amusement;
5. sadness.
Перепишите предложения в косвенной речи.
1. She said that she enjoyed travelling a lot.
2. He said that he had visited Spain last year.
3. He said travelling solo was the best thing he had ever done.
4. Jane said she would go to Italy next year.
5. Tim said he was looking for an interesting destination.
Дополните фразовые глаголы правильными предлогами.
1. aside;
2. in;
3. off;
4. back;
5. aside.
Вставьте в пропуски правильный предлог.
1. at;
2. on;
3. for;
4. in;
5. without.
Соедините реплики no смыслу.
1. – с
2. – d
3. – а
4. – е
5. – b
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