Голицынский, 7-е издание – Модальные глаголы – Упражнение 505

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I must work hard on my English.
You must listen to the teacher attentively at the lesson.
You must do your homework every day.
You must not forget about your duties.
You must be careful in the street.
She must be at home now.
My friends must be in the park.
You must be very hungry.
It must be very difficult to solve such problems.
I must see my friend today.
He must be very tired.
They even have a yacht. They must be very rich.
Must you leave tomorrow morning?
You mustn’t be late.
I mustn’t forget about my mother. I haven’t written to her for ages. I must write her a letter tonight.
This book is very valuable. You mustn’t lose it.
Must you go so soon?
I must admit (that) I am wrong. What else must I do?
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