Голицынский, 7-е издание – Согласование времен – Косвенная речь – Упражнение 353

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Peter asked Ann if they had run a race the day before. Ann answered that they had and added that Tamara had been the first to come to the finish.
Tom asked his mother where his bag was. His mother said that she had put it on the chair near the door and told Tom (him) not to forget to put his dictionary into it.
The children asked their mother why they could not play there. Their mother said that their father was sleeping. She added that their father had worked very hard that day and told the children to keep quiet.
Alex asked us why we helped her and added that she was lazy and could do everything herself.
Lena said that she did not want to go to the zoo and explained that she had been there the week before with her cousin and seen all the animals.
Nick asked his father to look at his stamps and wondered when his father would buy some new ones for him.
Tanya said that she could not do that exercise and added that it was too difficult. Her brother wanted to know why she had not asked her teacher to explain it.
The lighthouse keeper asked his assistant if he could see the lights in the distance. The assistant answered that he could and added that a ship was giving signals.
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