Клементьева, 7-9. Рабочая тетрадь 1. Раздел 3. Урок 18

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Расскажите одноклассникам о некоторых праздниках и традициях.
1) The weather isn’t any better today.
2) The frost was so severe that…
3) I am looking forward to spring with its holidays.
4) May day doesn’t mean too much to me.
5) People used to carry slogans and flags.
6) We celebrate the Victory of the Soviet Army over Nazi invaders in the Second World War.
7) From him I learnt how courageous and faithful common people could be, how much they had loved their Motherland and how selflessly they had fought for its independence.
8) We lay flowers to honor the memory of all the soldiers killed in the war.
Переведите на русский язык.
1) Почему ты с нетерпением ждёшь весну?
2) Есть ли в России национальные праздники?
3) В чём твой брат способен?
4) Как твои родители, бывало, отмечали 1-е мая лет десять назад,
5) Кстати, об английских праздниках он знает больше, чем о русских.
6) Я читал, как беззаветно простые люди боролись во время войны.
7) Чем ты гордишься?
8) Он бывал ранен?
9) Сколькими медалями и орденами был награждён твой дед?
10) Что значит это слово?
11) 9 мая люди в России чтут память солдат, погибших за свою Родину.
12) В России Рождество празднуют 7 января.
13) Кто был на вечеринке по случаю твоего дня рождения?
14) Ты получил много подарков на день рождения?
Ответьте на вопросы.
1) The weather was terrible.
2) He couldn’t go to school because the frost was too severe.
3) In spring people in Russia have Women’s Day, May Day and Victory Day.
4) Dima and his father make a cake and buy roses for Dima’s mother,
5)Yes, I do. I like this holiday because I like to give presents to my Mom.
6) On the 8th of March I make a card for her.
7) No, I don’t.
8) My family and I went for a picnic.
9) We had a picnic in the wood.
10) Yes, they do because they are proud of this victory and they honor the memory of their relatives.
11) The Soviet army fought against Nazi invaders.
12) Yes, they did.
13) Yes, he is.
14) From his stories Dima learnt how courageous and faithful common people could be, how much they had loved their Motherland and how selflessly they had fought for its independence.
15) He is proud of his grandfather because he is one of those who fought for their Motherland.
16) Yes, he was.
17) On the 9th of May Dima and his grandfather go to lay flowers to honour the memory of all the soldiers killed in the war.
18) My parents and I go to congratulate my grandparents.
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